
Friday, July 30, 2010

I'm up and Running

I'm back home now. My darling hubby collected me from the hospital this morning.
The surgery went really well. The surgeon had to repair a Hiatus Hernia while he was inside, so that should cure the reflux I've been having since my pregnancy 3.5 years ago.
I'm not in too much pain thanks to the meds. I'm a little bit tender in the port site and I've been lucky to get away with no shoulder pain at all.
I'm not hungry at all although my tummy is rumbling. It is a strange feeling. :)


  1. Welcome to band-land, Nikki!!! I am so glad to hear it went well and you are on your way to success with the band :)

  2. Yay welcome home!

    Glad all went well..... yay to new exciting things.

  3. Welcome home. Glad to hear everything went well and you seem to have escaped the shoulder pain :)

  4. Hey Nikki!! "Welcome to the Sisterhood/Brotherhood of the Bandster's"!!

    With luck, you may never have the gas pains. I never did! All I had was pain at the port site as well.
