
Monday, August 9, 2010

Onto Mushies...YAY!

Well I spoke with my Dietition this afternoon and she was very happy with my progress so has decided it is now okay to move onto mushies. I never thought I would be so happy to be allowed to eat tin tuna.
I'm pretty much allowed to eat most things as long as they are mashed up. I can have spaghetti bolognese, savoury mince, Cottage Pie, any kind of casserole, you get the drift. She said to make a few up and freeze them in half cup portions, then I will have variety and won't be tempted to overeat and possibly stretch my small stomach.
I'm only allowed to have half a cup of food at one sitting and to try and take 15 minutes to eat it. I am not allowed to have any fluids with my food or for 10 mins before or after eating. I am to try and only have 3 meals a day for the first 3 days then I can introduce two snacks, one a dairy (yoghurt, custard, cottage cheese) and one a fruit (mashed banana, stewed fruits) if I am getting hungry.
I am no longer allowed to have protein shakes, she wants me to get my protein from food. I am more than happy with that. She said to keep my shakes for the 12 hours after each fill. I still need to keep taking my Multivitamin. I'm taking Sypradyn at the moment and when that runs out I can switch to Centrum.
Most importantly is to to "Eat Slowly & Chew Well".

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